Just like in a library, we want to keep things neat and accessible.
Organizing Code with Modules
Modules are like folders that help us organize our code. They group related functions, types, and variables together.
pub fn greet(name: []const u8) void {
std.debug.print("Hello, {}, the brave!\n", .{name});
Imagine you’re a librarian. How would you organize books so that people can easily find what they need?
Creating and Using Packages
Packages are collections of modules. They’re like bundles of related code that we can reuse across different projects.
zig mod init my_package
If you were a master craftsman, what kind of toolkit (package) would you create to build various magical items?
Importing External Packages
We can use code created by others by importing external packages. It’s like borrowing a tool from a friend.
const http = @import("std").http;
Imagine you’re a traveler in a distant land. What kind of resources or tools would you bring along for your journey?
Managing Dependencies
Managing dependencies is like keeping track of ingredients for a recipe. We want to make sure we have everything we need.
const myDependency = @import("github.com/user/my_dependency");
If you were a chef preparing an elaborate feast, how would you ensure you have all the ingredients you need?
Now, let’s try organizing our code into modules, creating packages, and using external packages. What kind of magical world would you like to create with your code?
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